Where is our office located?

7441 O St #300
Lincoln, NE 68510

For further assistance, please call:


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Get in Touch!

We'd really like to hear from you!


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When you call for an appointment

Our receptionist will ask you a few simple questions to determine which therapist is the best "fit" for your particular issue:
  • Are you new to our clinic?
  • Who may we thank for referring you?
  • Will you be using insurance or will this be private pay?
  • What problems or concerns are bringing you to therapy?
  • What are the phone numbers where you can be reached?

Our receptionist will then leave a message for the appropriate therapist and that therapist will return your call within 24 hours. At that time, your first session will be scheduled.

Telephone hours

  • Monday - Friday
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm


After Hours or No Answer

If the receptionist is unavailable, please leave a message, speaking clearly and include a phone numbers where we can reach you.



Since this time slot is reserved for you, please notify us by noon of preceding business day if you need to cancel. We reserve the right to charge for any missed appointments.